Rob Darling – First Grade Teacher Location: West Mercer Elementary
Job Description: Rob teaches reading, math, science, and social studies, shoe tying, hygiene, and manners.
Typical Day: Rob greets his students at the door as they arrive in the morning. “First graders thrive on routine,” he explains. That is why every morning Rob’s students can expect to find a piece of paper on their desks as their first task. Rob has found that this helps settle them down and focus. After completing the exercise, they write in their journals, do the Daily 5, have recess, study math, and then go to lunch. In the afternoon they might have science, social studies, PE, music and library specialists. Rob talks fast – “I try to keep up with first grade attention spans. I have a good five or six minutes before they’re on to something else,” he smiles.
Best part of the job: “Knowing I am making a difference.” Rob says. “Every day one or two of them has an ‘Ah Ha’ moment where I know something finally clicked. I can see their confidence grow which just inspires more learning.” He and his students recently wrote to President Obama. “In my letter, I said, ‘you want kids in this country to get the best education but you’re cutting education funds. If education is not a priority the best teachers won’t be able to afford to do it, students won’t receive the best education possible, and everything will consequently suffer.’ My first graders believe they really can make a difference. They were thrilled when we got a letter back from President Obama.” Rob reflects, “I did some different things before I became a teacher. I was a sports director, a college coach, and a pavement maintenance contractor. Nothing compares to teaching. This is the most gratifying thing I’ve ever done.”
Something people may not know: Rob is a concert pianist and went to Ricks Jr. College on a music scholarship. Ten years later, he finished his AA at Peninsula College, his BA in Elementary Ed. at City University of Seattle, and his Masters in Education, Curriculum and Instruction through the University of Scranton. Rob still teaches piano lessons.
Years in district: 3rd year teaching, 2nd year in the district.
Outside interests: Rob and his wife of two years, Erin, have a blended family of four children – Tyler-Ann, 10, Dalton, 10, Braeden, 12, and Kollin, 13 – two 4th graders, two sixth graders. Rob enjoys coaching his very active children in assorted sports, playing baseball/softball, and doing woodwork in the new house the family built in Maple Valley. Rob is also a marathon runner. “When I started running marathons in 2005 I lost 50 pounds. The only reasons I ever ran before were for booting a groundball or dropping a pass. The first marathon was brutal! But I got hooked. The finish line is worth every cramp, spasm, chaffing, and early morning. I’ve run five since and plan on doing at least one a year until I die.”