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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Danae Burger – 7th Grade Language Arts and Social Studies Teacher

Job Description: Danae teaches language arts and social studies to 80 7th grade students at Islander Middle School. Her students learn Washington State history and read novels such as “The Outsiders,” “Ghost Canoe,” and “Farewell to Manzanar.” Since 7th grade is the first year students are tested on the WASL writing exam, they practice persuasive writing and write multiple expository essays. Students are engaged in project-based learning with projects such as “Rock Around Washington” and the year-end Culture Project.

Location: Islander Middle School

Typical Day: Danae arrives at 7:00 am and begins her day by standing in line at the copy machine with all of the other “regulars” who have last-minute projects to complete. Her first class begins with “the sleepy kids” for first period. This year, though, they’re not sleepy! She can often be found during prep period grading papers on her yoga mat. Danae finishes her day with the afternoon block.

Best part of the job: Working with middle school students. “Many of them have been together since kindergarten, so they know each other really well. They are very funny – I have one student who sings my instructions back to me! On a good day, I walk out of here thinking 'I can’t believe I get paid for this.' On bad days, when I teach sloppily, I am hard on myself. But we are so well supported at IMS. I am recognized for my strengths and encouraged to be a leader in areas I excel in. In my third year of teaching, I am finally learning how to teach smarter.”

Something people may not know: “I am learning to cook. Someday I would like to learn the art of flower arranging.”

Years worked in the district: Three years. Danae came to Mercer Island after her first year of teaching in the Northshore school district.

Outside interests: Danae enjoys travel, snow skiing and reading, even though she is a slow reader. She says, “I understand why it’s difficult for some kids to get through 21 books a year!” She visits Minnesota, her home state, whenever she can. Danae and her husband Jeremy live in an apartment in downtown Mercer Island. “We love it,” she says. “Everything we need is right here.”