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Monday, February 8, 2010

Mike Lein – “The Phone Guy”

Location: Central Administration Building

Job Description: Mike is in charge of the phone system for the Mercer Island School District including all low voltage wiring and repairs, from the faceplate to inside the walls. “I spend a lot of time in our building’s attics,” says Mike. He also works with the maintenance crew on every imaginable job, including clearing debris out of rain-filled parking lot gutters. Mike helps with video conferencing and the schools’ security systems. He spends a lot of time saving money for the district by fixing reusable items like computers, amplifiers and more.

Typical Day: Mike arrives at 6 a.m. and immediately makes sure the phones are working. He is always working on a myriad of repair projects, like a computer that was spilled on or an amplifier that may just need a new fuse. If a videoconference is scheduled at the high school, he makes sure the system is working ahead of time and stays close by to troubleshoot any problems.

Best part of the job: “I like fixing things that can be salvaged,” says Mike. “I hate waste, especially when the problem is as simple as a new fuse.”

Something people may not know:
Mike has a teaching degree from Washington State University, with an endorsement in science. After his sophomore year, he and a friend traveled for three months throughout the South Pacific, from Majuro to Guam. “Back then it was one of the least explored regions in the world,” said Mike.

Years worked in the district: 16 years. Mike joined the maintenance crew in 1993 and volunteered to take over the new phone system that was installed in 1994/95. “I know everyone in the district,” he said. “But only by name!”

Outside interests: Mike and his wife Donna live in Fall City. They have two boys Justin and Kevin, ages 22 and 17. Mike enjoys fixing things at home. “I rarely hire anyone to help me, but if I do it’s only once because I watch and learn how to do whatever it is.” Mike also likes to spend time in his cabin in northern British Columbia.